Social media is a platform which allows people to participate in social networking though internet. It enables to share posts on various social media platforms to improve business visibility. Today it is the best source for marketing, education, entertainment and news. Social media is also fundamentally changing the way consumers acquire the information they want, how they buy products, and how they discuss social issues and pursue social change (eun ju seo, 2019). Social organizing sites permit people, organizations and different associations to connect with each other and assemble connections and networks on the web. At the point when organizations join these social channels, purchasers can communicate with them legitimately (demangeot, 2013). Many studies have done to investigate the effect of social media in bank marketing (mitic and kapoulas,2012). Furthermore bonson and flores (2011) argued that social media marketing enables banks to regain trust from customers.
Dimensions of Customer Relationship Management Driving Loyalty Among B2B Customers
Despite of continuous growth the facility management (FM) landscape in Malaysia remains intensely competitive. Both local and foreign providers have been fiercely competing to sustain their market share. Many depend on recurring revenue streams and strive to secure their market position. This has made, loyalty of customers a prime importance to ensure their sustainability in the industry through the establishment of a strong relationship and customer-focused strategies. Basing on this premise, four dimensions of customer relationship management influencing the loyalty of facility management customers was examined. From 80 questionnaires distributed to business customers operating in 7 states in Peninsular Malaysia (Selangor, Perak, Kuala Lumpur, N. Sembilan, Malacca, Johor, Penang), 77 questionnaires were returned with valid responses for analysis. 3 questionnaires were invalid due to multiple answers given to some questions, and were discarded. Thus, the final data analysis was performed on 77 valid questionnaires. Findings from the study affirmed that customer relationship management was significantly related to customer loyalty and customer knowledge dimension had the most impact on loyalty of facility management customers. Thus, suggesting there is a need for facility management companies to accurately diagnose their customer’s evolving needs and institute a culture where customers’ needs are fully understood through an active open communication between employees and customers. This is imperative as they serve various customer segments from health, commercial, oil & gas, manufacturing and education to name a few. As such, having the ability to understand the different needs of each customer segment and react accordingly is important. Having good customer knowledge can drive the delivery of excellent services to meet customers’ needs and expectations leading to satisfaction and eventual loyalty. Loyal customers will continue to generate long-term revenue and strengthen the company’s brand in the industry to ensure continuous revenue growth in the facility management industry.
Economic Effects Of Asean Integration On Household Living Standards
Income per capita and per capita GDP are widely used economic indicators for measuring the prosperity and welfare of society. However, accurate income data is difficult to obtain in developing countries and less reliable than expenditure data since spending, in general, does not fluctuate much than income (Atkinson and Lugo 2010). Moreover, per capita GDP doesn’t take the cost of living into account and only considers in money perspective (Carr 2017), which would be biased to evaluate the living standards of most citizens.
Developing Entreprising Marketers – What Can Marketing Educators Do?
Especially in a RUDE environment (Rapidly changing and at times, Ruthless; Uncertain and at times, Unpredictable; Dynamic and at times, Disruptive; Engaging and at times, Enabling), marketers need to be entreprising because entreprising Marketers can really make a significant difference to any entity, beyond just quantitative results. Marketers with Entreprising mindsets can make the critical difference between a “me-too” and an “outstanding” entity.
Disruption And Dystopia: Safeguarding Consumer And Societal Happiness
Disruption is perhaps the most used and misused word in recent business and marketing literature. Since the advent of 4th Industrial revolution and even more, with the arrival of COVID19, the use of disruption has moved beyond bounds.
Epistle on Democratization Of Knowledge Under Globalization: Engaging AMF
This article is based on observation and experience of the author. The purpose of this article is to promote sharing of knowledge rather than keeping knowl- edge in silos. The article purports, that this be undertaken by the member nations of AMF to build the repository of knowl- edge of Asia Marketing Federation (AMF) through blending of local and global knowledge and ensuring effective dissem- ination. The article further stresses on globalization of knowledge rather than focusing on creation of silos. The impor- tance of appropriate use of technology to drive effective dissemination and thus, democratization is emphasized. The article provides a guideline for the leader- ship of AMF to ensure creation of a better world, where one can breathe peace and cherish the real meaning of humanity, through proper democratization and globalization of knowledge.
Minor Food Group:Pioneering Responsiblemarketing-Preneur Andwinning the Asia Marketingexcellence Award in Themarketing 3.0 Category
This article explores Minor Food Group’s journey toward winning the prestigious 2024 Asia Marketing Excellence Award in the “Marketing 3.0” category, awarded by the Asia Marketing Federation (AMF). Drawing on personal experiences as the head of the jury, the author delves into Minor Food Group’s “Responsible Marketing-Preneur” mindset, which integrates customer-focused innovation, socio-economic and environmental responsibility, and people empowerment. Through strategies such as digital transformation, product innovation, sustainability initiatives, and leadership development, Minor Food Group has set new industry standards across Asia’s food service sector. The article also highlights key achievements, including the company’s response during the COVID-19 pandemic, community engagement through the Pizza Company Book Club, and its commitment to sustainability through local sourcing and reducing plastic waste. Minor Food Group’s success serves as a model for businesses seeking to balance profit with positive societal impact, demonstrating that responsible marketing can drive both business growth and meaningful change…
Sustainable marketing practices – grameenphone
On 26th March 1997, our Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina made the first call from Grameenphone mobile network to Laily Begum owning a mobile connectivity situated in one of the villages like many in Bangladesh. That call was not just one of millions calls today, that was a message from the premier of the government and signifies something profound. That call was a message to the world how a service can build a sustainable society by bringing in real empowerment to the people who really need it. Going to root of removing inequalities while empowerment and freedom are in question. That was the start of Grameenphone being part of Telenor Group, a Norwegian Telecom giant in which the empowerment of societies was deeply ingrained.
Crafting a strategy for a future-fit bangladesh
Even the best of initiatives run the risk of going south for the lack of a good strategy. While the significance of strategic outlook in taking macro-level decisions has been emphasized in the corporate literature of the developed nations, its relevance to sustainable business or economic growth is yet to be fully appreciated in developing countries.
TV never dies! Distrupt yourself before being distrupted
It is frequently heard from different market assessments that technology improvement will change just how we live and totally shift the way we work forever. This sounds true, but it is not the end of this old world.