We are witnessing a world characterised by dynamic and disruptive forces that significantly shape the total environment. No entity, however big or small, public, or private, profit-oriented, or otherwise, can ignore the forces that exert a profound impact that can lead to its failure or success and sustainability.
Entreprising entities do not stay still. They do not keep to the status quo – they continuously change with an evolutionary environment and transform even before the environment becomes revolutionary.
They are acutely conscious that they operate in none other than a RUDE environment, an environment that can quite easily kill a still entity.
To become a significant market player, if not the market leader, the entreprisingship spirit and practice must prevail.
This article addresses 3 key questions:
(1) WHY is Entreprisingship needed?
(2) WHAT is entreprisingship?
(3) HOW can entities become entreprising?
(1) WHY is entreprisingship needed?
In today’s and tomorrow’s environment, constant changes are not unexpected, and what one should expect even more is that change is and will be the constant. Such changes may not just be evolutionary but at times revolutionary, resulting in a RUDE environment.
Before looking in-depth into WHAT is entreprisingship and HOW entities can be more enterprising, it will be important to deeply appreciate WHY Entreprisingship is not just needed, but a necessity.
In short, Entreprisingship is needed primarily because the environment is RUDE. RUDE is an acronym that stands for an environment that is:
Rapidly changing and at times, Ruthless;
Uncertain and at times, Unpredictable;
Dynamic and at times, Disruptive;
Engaging and at times, Enabling
and these characteristics permeate through all the macro and micro environmental factors…