Asia Marketing

Colaboration Platform

For all marketing associations in asia

AMF is a regional body which was set up in 1991 with the aim of promoting co-operation and the exchange of information on marketing among member countries, as well as contributing to the economic development in the Asian region. AMF is currently made up of members comprising 19 national marketing bodies from the region, including Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.



Board of Management


Xin Yao


Roger Wang

1st Vice President

Shanshan LI

General Secretary

Asia Marketing Federation (AMF)

The Journey Continues

Japan, 1991-1996
Michio Torii

APMF (Asia Pacific Marketing Federation) was established by the initiative of Mr. Michio Torii, the President of Japan Marketing Association, and was declared at the JMA’s International Marketing Conference in Tokyo on November 1991.

APMF's main goals are to promote international cooperation among Asia Pacific marketing institutions in the areas of growth and education and to exchange personnel, marketing technologies and information while fostering friendships among member organizations.

The founding members were 12 (twelve) National Marketing Association (NMA) from Asia Pacific countries:

  • AMI (Australian Marketing Institute)
  • CMA (Chinese Marketing Association -Taiwan)
  • HKIM (Hong Kong Institute of Marketing)
  • IMM (Institute of Marketing &
  • Management - India)
  • IMA (Indonesian Marketing Association)
  • JMA (Japan Marketing Association)
  • KMA (Korea Marketing Association)
  • IMM (Institute of Marketing Malaysia)
  • MAP (Marketing Association of Pakistan)
  • MAT (Marketing Association of Thailand),
  • PMA (Philippine Marketing Association Inc.) and
  • MIS (Marketing Institute of Singapore)

(Source: Roundtable, a Journal published by APMF vol 1 No. 1 April 1992)

Subsequently, at the BOM (Board of Management Meeting) in Shanghai in 1994, IMM (Institute of Marketing & Management - South Africa) was admitted as an APMF Affiliate member. In 1995 SLIM (Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing) and MMA (Mongolia Marketing Association) were admitted as an APMF Associate Member in Bangkok.

Annual fee was set at US$ 10.000 for the lead- country and US$ 5.000 for member countries. All events paid for by APMF.

In 1994, in cooperation with MIS, APMF started Certified Professional Marketer (CPM) in Asia Pacific, the only program in Asia that certifies professional marketers with Asian perspectives and practical experience.

In 1996, JMA President Michio Torii was designated "APMF Honorary Founding President" for his dedication to the establishment and development of APMF.

1991 – 1996 leadership
President - Michio Torii (JMA)
Vice Presidents – Greg George (AMI) & In Sang Cho (KMA)
Secretary General – Shinji Fukunaga & Mitsuzo Tamaki (JMA)

Meetings conducted
November 1991 - APMF establishment declared
November 1992 - The first BOM was held in Hong Kong,
May 1993 - The first AGM in Taipei,
October 1993 - The second BOM in Bangkok
May 1994 - 2nd AGM in Manila
October 1994 - BOM in Shanghai
April 1995 - 3rd AGM in Bangkok
November 1995 - BOM in Taiwan.

Australia, 1996-1998
Jens Karnoe and Richard Akken

APMF leadership moved to Australia with Mr Jens Karnoe was appointed as the new President after the AGM in Sydney in May 1996. He was later succeeded by Mr. Richard Allen.

1996 – 1998 leadership
President - Jens Karnoe and Richard Allen (AMI)
Vice Presidents - Hai Hyung Cho (KMA) & Kasem Mongkolkosol (MAT)
Secretary General – Dr. Ross Cameron (AMI)

Meetings conducted
May 1996 - 3rd AGM in Sydney,
November 1996 - BOM in Daxi Taiwan
May 1997 - 4th AGM in Hong Kong
November 1997 - BOM in Bali.

Indonesia, 1998-2000
Hermawan Kartajaya

Asia in crisis beginning 1998 and no countries willing to take the leadership at the end of term for Australia.

IMA took initiative to “rescue” the situation by taking over the leadership. Hermawan Kartajaya appointed the new APMF President at the AGM in Tokyo and inaugurated by princess of Japan on April 1998. No official transition and financial report from Australia.

The Annual fee
Considering the crisis, the annual fee was reduced at affordable level of US$ 700 equally for all members. All events shall be managed and paid by the sponsoring NMA.

APMF Foundation
APMF Foundation was established and officially registered in Jakarta dated 10 December 1999. The establishment is based on decision at the APMF Board of Director’s Meeting in Taipeh on 29 October 1999 as the complementary support to the federation in furthering its aims of promoting the principles and best practice of marketing. Dr. Hooi Den Huan appointed as APMF Foundation Secretary General.

Hermawan was appointed as the permanent representative for the Executive Committee at the WMA Council in 1998.

CIM (Canadian Institute of Marketing) was admitted as an APMF Affiliate member.

1998 – 2000 leaders
President – Hermawan Kartajaya (IMA)
Vice Presidents – Pennapha Dhanasarnsilp (MAT) & Cheong Kun Pui (MIS)
Secretary General - Enny Harjanto & Y W Junardy (IMA)

Meetings conducted
April 1998 - 5th AGM in Tokyo
July 1998 - BOM in Jakarta
October 1998 - BOM in Colombo
May 1999 - 6th AGM in Manila
November 1999 - BOM/DBM in Taipei
March 2000 - BOM in Jakarta
June 2000 - 7th AGM in Bangkok

Thailand, 2000-2002
Supat Tansathitikorn

The appointmenf of Supat Tansathitikorn (MAT) as the new APMF President at the AGM in Bangkok on 27 June 2000.

MAT conducted the C21 World Marketing Conference “Breakthrough Marketing Wisdom for Global Leadership”.

2000 – 2002 leadership
President - Supat Tansathitikorn (MAT)
Vice Presidents – Cheong Kun Pui (MIS) & Cyrill Chow (HKIM)
Secretary General – Danai Tangsriviriyakul (MAT)

Meetings conducted
October 2000 - BOM in Singapore
March 2001 - BOM in Manila
July 2001 - 8th AGM in Cheng Mai
October 2001 - BOM in Hong Kong
January 2002 - BOM in Chiang Rai
April 2002 - 9th AGM in Singapore

Hong Kong, China, 2002-2004
Sherman Lam

Sherman Lam HKIM appointed as the new APMF President at the AGM meeting in Singapore in 2002. The late Cheong Kun Pui of MIS was appointed as Secretary General.

Part of the restructuring, member participation to APMF was reviewed. Inactive members (never attended a single meeting): AMI, KMA, MMA (Mongolia), IMM (India), MAP (Pakistan), MIB (Bangladesh) and IMM (South Africa). CMA (ROC) attended only one meeting in the last few years.

The Board unanimously agreed that a Constitutional Review Committee be formed and chaired by Dr. Nard Garcia (PMA).

BOM Meeting in Bali reaffirmed the ownership of the CPM programme belongs to APMF and MIS is the designated Education Headquarters. As such, a royalty fee should be paid to APMF.

AMF started a talk with ASEAN Secretariat about project collaborations.

2002 – 2004 leadership
President – Sherman Lam (HKIM)
Vice Presidents – Prof. J.J. Roces (PMA) & Prof. K.U. Kamalgoda (SLIM)
Secretary General – Cheong Kun Pui (Hong Kong Institute of Marketing)

Meeting Conducted
October 2002 - BOM in Jakarta
January 2003 - BOM in Bangkok
July 2003 - 10th AGM in Jakarta
December 2003. - BOM in Bali
July 2004 - 11th AGM Manila

Philippine, 2004-2006
Prof. J.J. Roces

Prof. J.J. Roces appointed as the new APMF President, Prof. K.K. Kamalgoda as the 1st VP and Jos Ortega as Secretary-General.

The APMF CPM Society was formalized in December 2004, with Dr. Nick Fontanilla of the Philippine Marketing Association CPM Society as the president. The national CPM societies from Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines were recognized under the APMF CPM Society.

The APMF CPM Society established and the first conference was held in Manila, Philippines in July 2004. The APMF CPM Society co-sponsored the ASEAN Marketing Forum in Jakarta, Indonesia in November 2005.

KM Yim presented the recommended CPD model for APMF, which included 24 CPD hours per year. It was agreed that the national marketing associations will ensure the application of the program and MIS will monitor as Educational Headquarters. HKIM served as the champion for this initiative.

Indonesia organized ASEAN Conference in November 2005.
Thailand conducted the World Marketing Conference in March 2006.

Permanent APMF Fund depository - The APMF Board approved the transfer of its finances and deposits to the APMF Foundation based in Jakarta, Indonesia. The APMF Foundation would hold these funds in trust for the APMF and would
release the funds upon instructions from the APMF Board of

2004 – 2006 leaders
President – Prof. J.J. Roces (PMA)
Vice Presidents – Prof. K.U. Kamalgoda (SLIM) & B.K. Ng (MIS)
Secretary General - Jos Ortega (PMA)
President of CPM Society - Nick Fontanilla (PMA)

Meetings conducted
June 2005 - BOM in Ceby City
November 2005 - 12th AGM/DBM in Jakarta
Jan 2006 - BOM in Singapore
March 2006 - 13th AGM in Bangkok

Sri Lanka, 2006-2008
Prof. K.U. Kamalgoda

Prof. K.U. Kamalgoda appointed as the new APMF President supported at the AGM in Bangkok in March 2006.

BOM in Ulaan Baator agreed the to relaunch CPM to all NMAs and allowing the students to answer the CPM exam in local language. NMA is responsible to manage the translation before submission to MIS. The BOM was conducted following the National Marketing Conference in March 2007.

Recognizing the shift of global economy to Asian and especially with the decline of US and Europe and the raising of China, APMF decided to focus on Asia. APMF saw the importance of engaging Japan, China and India to take role in APMF. Discussion was held to consider changing the name from APMF to AMF to reflect the situation.

The change was reflected in The Jakarta Declaration in special meeting in Jakarta on 6 August 2007. The declaration was signed by the Honorary Patron of AMF, Patron of AMF, President of AMF and President/Chairman of National Marketing Organizations: HKIM, IMA, IMM, MAT, MIS, PMA and SLIM, the Jakarta Declaration resolved and agreed:

• To change of name of the association from Asia Pacific Marketing Federation (APMF) to Asia Marketing Federation (AMF) and Asia Pacific Marketing Federation Foundation (APMFF) to Asia Marketing Federation Foundation (AMFF)
• To adopt the new charter of the AMF and AMFF
• To appoint Prof. Philips Kotler d the proposed Charter of AMF;
• To adopt the new logo of AMF
• To appoint Professor Philips Kotler as Honorary Patron and Mr. Hermawan Kartajaya Patron of AMF

2006 – 2008 leadership
President - K. U. Kamalgoda (Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing)
Vice President – BK Ng (Marketing Institute of Singapore) & Y W Junardy (Indonesia Marketing Association)
Secretary General - Sarath Fernando (Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing)

Meetings conducted
June 2006 - BOM in Colombo
March 2007 - BOM in Ulaan Baator
July 2007 - 14th AGM in Jakarta
November 2007 - BOMs in Hong Kong
March 2008 - BOM Singapore
June 2008 - 15th AGM in Manila


Indonesia, 2008-2010
Y.W. Junardy

Y.W. Junardy appointed as the new President at the AGM meeting during the International Marketing Conference conducted by PMA in Manila.

Dato’ Sharifah Mohammad Ismail and K M Yim appointed as the new Vice President; Hendra Warsita as the Secretary General of AMF and Prof.Dr. Andrianto Widjaja as the AMF President of CPM Alumni.

Meeting also confirmed the effective date of the change of the name from APMF, APMF Foundation and CPM(AP) to AMF, AMF Foundation and CPM (Asia) respectively is the date of Jakarta Declaration on 6 August 2007.
All past Presidents of the APMF who became Governors of the AMF Foundation should become Patrons of the new AMF Foundation. They are: Hermawan Kartajaya, Supat Tansathitikorn, Sherman Lam, Prof. JJ Roces and Prof. K. Kamalgoda.

Meeting also approved its Goal for 2008-2010:

Further raise AMF's profile in Asia and in the world stage by

  1. Strengthening further the institution
  2. Revitalizing AMF Foundation; and
  3. Participating in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Initiatives

AMF joined UN Global Compact by signing pledge of support letter to UN Secretary General H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon. IMA, PMA and HKIM also individually joined UNGC.

Conducted the first Asia Marketing Conference in format of “Bali Tri-Conference”, a Joint program between Global Compact Asia Network Conference, Pan-Pacific Conference XXVII and The First Asia Marketing Conference with the theme of “MANAGING AND COMPETING IN THE NEW WORLD ECONOMIC ORDER” in Grand Hyatt Nusa Dua, Bali May 30 - June 2, 2010

2008 – 2010 leadership
President - Y W Junardy (Indonesia Marketing Association)
Vice Presidents - Dato’ Sharifah Mohammad Ismail (Institute of Marketing Malaysia) & K M Yim (Hong Kong Institute of Marketing)
Secretary General - Hendra Warsita (Indonesia Marketing Association)
President of CPM Alumni - Prof.Dr. Andrianto Widjaja

Meetings conducted
December 2008 - BOM in Jakarta
May 2009 - BOM in Kuala Lumpur
November 2009 - 16th AGM in Ho Chi Minh City
March 2010 - BOM in Bangkok
May 2010 - 17th AGM in Bali

Japan, 2010-2012
Takuya Goto

Takuya Goto reappointed as AMF President at the AGM meeting in Manila on 16 July 2014. Gwen Albarracin as 1st VP and Rohan Somawansa as 2nd VP

AMF and PMA jointly hosted AMF Asia Marketing Conference / PMA Asian Marketing Congress on July 2014.

TIMS (Taiwan) and MAC (Cambodia) joined and accepted as new member at Manila AGM.

30-31 May 2015 – FUTINA Asian Marketing Conference and AMF BOM meeting in Foshan, China.

The AMF Asia Marketing Excellence Award initiated by Gwenn Albarracin as Chairman and Co-Chaired by Rohan Somawansa started committee work on 2014. The Judging of candidates to the 1st Award took place in Foshan on May 2015. The first winners will be announced and awarded on the second half of 2015.

The World Marketing Community site is open for the networking of marketing professionals in the region.

The relaunch of Marketing Museum in Ubud Bali in June 2015

October, 2015 BOM in Jakarta was the launch of the first AMF Asia Marketing Excellence Award. Winners were: Asia Marketing Company of the Year: Universal Robina Corporation - Philippines and Asia Marketing 3.0 Awardee: Telcom Indonesia.

Status of membership
As of May 2015, AMF has 13 Members:
In process: Vietnam, Mongolia and Myanmar

AMF Fund
Currently all NMA annual fee is deposited at account of AMF Foundation in BCA Bank in Jakarta. The balance as of 30 April 2015 is in amount of US$ 68,006.

2014 – 2016 leadership
President – Takuya Goto (JMA)
Vice Presidents – Gwenn Albarracin (PMA) & Rohan Somawansa (SLIM)
Secretary General – Masaaki Ishibashi (Japan Marketing Association)

Meetings conducted
December 2014 - BOM in Jakarta
May 2015 - 22nd AGM in Foshan, China

Next meeting schedule:
October 2015 - BOM in Jakarta
March 2016 - BOM Phnom Penh

Japan, 2012-2014
Takuya Goto

Takuya Goto reappointed as the President at the AGM meeting in Tokyo on 13 July 2012. Rohan Somawansa and Gwen Albarracin appointed as VP

AMF organized the 2nd AMF Asia Marketing Conference on July 2012 in Tokyo. At the end of the conference, AMF Honorary Fellow status was endowed to Mr. Prijono Sugiarto, Mr. Yoshiharu Fukuhara, Mr. Hermawan Kartajaya, Dr. Lackana Leeayouthayotin, and Mr. Somboon Prasitjutrakul.

MSB (Bangladesh) joined and accepted as a member at the AGM in Tokyo on July 2012.
CCPIT (PRC) joined and accepted as a new member at AGM in Bangkok in May 2013

To formalize the membership of NMA with AMF, MOU between NMAs and AMF was also developed. AMF Membership Certificates were presented to all the representatives of NMAs at the Beijing BOM in 2013.

Strategic Alliance with AMA was announced

AMF renewed its official website page and started Facebook site.

2012 – 2014 leadership
President – Takuya Goto (JMA)
Vice Presidents – Gwenn Albarracin (PMA) & Rohan Somawansa (SLIM)
Secretary General – Masaaki Ishibashi (JMA)

Meetings conducted
March 2012 BOM - Colombo, Sri, Lanka
July 2012 - 19th AGM in Tokyo
December 2012 - BOM in Jakarta
May 2013 - 20th AGM in Bangkok
November 2013. - BOM in Beijing
July 2014 - 21st AGM in Manila

Japan, 2014-2016
Takuya Goto

Takuya Goto reappointed as AMF President at the AGM meeting in Manila on 16 July 2014. Gwen Albarracin as 1st VP and Rohan Somawansa as 2nd VP AMF and PMA jointly hosted AMF Asia Marketing Conference / PMA Asian Marketing Congress on July 2014.

TIMS (Taiwan) and MAC (Cambodia) joined and accepted as new member at Manila AGM.

30-31 May 2015 – FUTINA Asian Marketing Conference and AMF BOM meeting in Foshan, China.

The AMF Asia Marketing Excellence Award initiated by Gwenn Albarracin as Chairman and Co-Chaired by Rohan Somawansa started committee work on 2014. The Judging of candidates to the 1st Award took place in Foshan on May 2015. The first winners will be announced and awarded on the second half of 2015.

The World Marketing Community site is open for the networking of marketing professionals in the region.

The relaunch of Marketing Museum in Ubud Bali in June 2015

October, 2015 BOM in Jakarta was the launch of the first AMF Asia Marketing Excellence Award. Winners were: Asia Marketing Company of the Year: Universal Robina Corporation - Philippines and Asia Marketing 3.0 Awardee: Telcom Indonesia.

Status of membership
As of May 2015, AMF has 13 Members:
In process: Vietnam, Mongolia and Myanmar

AMF Fund
Currently all NMA annual fee is deposited at account of AMF Foundation in BCA Bank in Jakarta. The balance as of 30 April 2015 is in amount of US$ 68,006.

2014 – 2016 leadership
President – Takuya Goto (JMA)
Vice Presidents – Gwenn Albarracin (PMA) & Rohan Somawansa (SLIM)
Secretary General – Masaaki Ishibashi (Japan Marketing Association)

Meetings conducted
December 2014 - BOM in Jakarta
May 2015 - 22nd AGM in Foshan, China

Next meeting schedule:
October 2015 - BOM in Jakarta
March 2016 - BOM Phnom Penh

Philippine, 2016-2018
Gwenn Abarracin

Ms. Gwenn Albarracin and Mr. Rohan Somawansa were advanced to the new positions of AMF President and 1st Vice President respectively. Boojong Kim was elected as 2nd Vice-President at the AGM meeting in Seoul, Korea on 22nd September, 2016. Past President Takuya Goto was appointed as the Honorary Fellow and former Secretary General Masaaki Ishibashi as the Advisor of AMF.

MASOK hosted the AMF AGM in Sept 22, 2016 and the AMF Asia Marketing Excellence Award during their Asia Marketing Conference in Sept. 23, 2016.
During the AMF Board Meeting, Mr. Takuya Goto presented the AMF Membership Certification and the Letter of Endorsement to Mongolia Marketing Association (MMA).

During the AMF AGM, it was resolved that the AMF Permanent Secretariat be located at Japan Marketing Association in Tokyo as repository for historical data, BOM and AGM minutes and President’s reports. The administrative and operational secretariat will be at the NMA of the encumbent AMF President.

The AMF CASE BOOK “Marketing for Competitiveness” by Honorary Patron Philip Kotler, AMF Patron Hermawan Kartajaya and Professor Hooi Den Huan was launched and distributed to the NMAs. Professor Den announced that a portion of the books profit will go to the AMF.

The 2016 and 2nd AMF Asia Marketing Excellence Award winners were recognized during the AMF Asia Marketing Conference on 23rd September, 2016 at the KCCI Grand Hall. The winners were Century Pacific Food, Inc. from the Philippines, for the Asia Marketing Company of the Year and Aarong Bangladesh – Bengali from Bangladesh for the Asia Marketing 3.0 Award. It was also the first time that National Winners for the two award categories were recognized from each of the NMA countries who participated.

Status of membership
As of December 2016, AMF has 16 Members:

Vietnam and Myanmar were granted their membership in 2015 while Mongolia was given in 2016.

AMF Fund
Currently all NMA annual fees are deposited to the account of AMF Foundation in BCA Bank in Jakarta. The balance as of December 31, 2016 is in the amount of USD 80,832.

2016 to 2018 leadership
President – Gwenn Albarracin (PMA)
Vice Presidents –Rohan Somawansa (SLIM) 1st VP and Boojong Kim 2nd VP (MASOK)
Secretary Generals – Pinky Yee and Yayu Javier (PMA)

Meetings conducted:
September 22, 2016 - AGM in Seoul, Korea

Next meeting schedule:
March 2017 - BOM in Bangladesh
September 2017 - AGM in Mongolia

Sri Lanka, 2018-2020
Rohan Somawansa

President Asia Marketing Federation

Senior Marketer & corporate Manager, Rohan Somawansa unanimously elected as the president of prestige’s Asia Marketing Federation (AMF), which is the governing body in marketing in Asia.  , for the period of 2018 to 2020, in the AGM of Asia Marketing Federation at Guangzhou in China, last week. 

Mr. Rohan Somawansa presently holds the Head of Marketing and Corporate Communication/ (CMO) and the Director of Samson Trading Company Pvt Ltd & Globe Knitting Pvt Ltd under highly diversified DSI Samson group, which also happens to be the largest footwear manufacturer and retailer in Sri Lanka.

Rohan is a former President of the premier local marketing body, the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM) for 2010/2011, and started his tenure as the vice president of Asian Marketing Federation in 2011,  2016 he appointed as 1st Vice president of the same , He holds several professional memberships namely, fellow member of the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing, member of Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK), Singapore Institute of Marketing (SIM), Practicing Marketer (SL), Member of the American Marketing Association and a member of  World Chief Marketing Officers forum (CMO).

He was a member of the panel of judges at the 2011 Tourism Awards, organized by the Ministry of Economic Development and will be serving as the Chairman in 2012. Furthermore, he serves as a member of the judge panel of the 2011 Entrepreneur of the Year Award Ceremony organized by the Federation of Commerce and Industry in Sri Lanka, distinguish jury member of the 2017 &2018 SLIM Brand Excellence awards organize by SLIM, and he was the co-chair for Asian Marketing Excellent Awards organized by Asian Marketing Federation in the last 2 years and chaired by 2017 the same,   also head the panel of judges for Youth, Women, & Netizen awards,( YWN) which is recognizing youth ,women and digital practitioners in marketing & management in Asia , 2017 in Bali.

He was serviced as senior member of the Education Reforms Committee of SLIM for last six years and a current member of the consultative council.

Also he is servicing as Chief examiner in Marketing for CMA exams conduct by CMA Sri Lanka.

He also holding a senior positions in local & overseas sports missions from 2011 to date.

To add icing on the cake, he was awarded the prestigious marketing professional of the year 2011/2012 in the world brand congress in Mumbai India in 2011 and awarded one of the best 50 marketing professional award screen in Malaysia 2013 by CMO council at world Marketing forum.

Mr. Rohan Somawansa and Prof. Boojong Kim were advanced to the new positions of AMF President and 1st Vice President respectively. Jack Yao was elected as 2nd Vice-President at the AGM meeting in Chinese Taipei, September 2019. Past President Gwen Albarachin was appointed as the Honorary Fellow and former Secretary General Pinky Yee and Yayu Javier as the Advisor of AMF.

Chinese Taipei hosted the AMF AGM in Sept 2019 and the AMF Asia Marketing Excellence Award during their Asia Marketing Conference also in September 2019.

Status of membership
As of December 2016, AMF has 17 Members:

AMF Fund
Currently all NMA annual fees are deposited to the account of AMF Foundation in BCA Bank in Jakarta. The balance as of December 31, 2016 is in the amount of USD 80,832.

2018 to 2020 leadership
President – Rohan Somawansa (SLIM)
Vice Presidents –Prof. Boojong Kim (MASOK) 1st VP and Jack Yao 2nd VP (CCPIT)
Secretary Generals – Pradeep Edward (SLIM)

Meetings conducted:
September 2018 – AGM in Guangzhou, China.
March 2019 – BOM in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
September 2019 - AGM in Taipei, Chinese Taipei.

Next meeting schedule:
March 2020 - Online
September 2020 - Online

Korea, 2020-2022
Prof. Boojong Kim

President, Asia Marketing Federation President, Marketer's Society of Korea Professor, Department of Business Administration, Dong-A University Chief Imagination Officer, Dream Company Representative Director, CMO & Company Executive Director, Nestle Purina PetCare Market Development Manager, Ralston Purina International Senior Researcher, Hankook Research Company

Prof. Boojong Kim and Mr. Jack Yao were advanced to the new positions of AMF President and 1st Vice President respectively. Prof. Ferhat Anwar was elected as 2nd Vice-President at the online AGM meeting in September 2020. Past President Rohan Somawansa was appointed as the Honorary Fellow and former Secretary General Pradeep Edward as the Advisor of AMF.


Status of membership
As of December 2016, AMF has 19 Members:

AMF Fund
Currently all NMA annual fees are deposited to the account of AMF Foundation in BCA Bank in Jakarta. The balance as of December 31, 2016 is in the amount of USD 80,832.


2020 to 2022 leadership
President – Prof. Boojong Kim (MASOK)
Vice Presidents – Jack Yao (CCPIT) 1st VP and Prof. Ferhat Anwar 2nd VP (MSB)
Secretary Generals – Chang Real Lee (MASOK)

Meetings conducted:
September 2020 – AGM, online.
March 2021 – BOM, online.
September 2021 – AGM, online.
March 2022 – BOM, online

Next meeting schedule:
October 2022 – AGM in Ubud – Bali, Indonesia.

Bangladesh, 2022-2024
Prof. Dr. Syed Ferhat Anwar

President Asia Marketing Federation

Holds a distinguished career spanning over 38 years in education, research, and management consultancy. He is the Vice-Chancellor, BRAC University, Bangladesh. Founder & Board Member, Marketing Society Bangladesh (MSB). Founding Director of the Kotler Center for Marketing Excellence, Bangladesh. Chief Advisor, Bangladesh Brand Forum. Past Director, Institute of Business Administration (IBA) - University of Dhaka. Chairman, BBF Academy.

Prof. Dr. Syed Ferhat Anwar was advanced to the position of AMF President from 2nd VP and Mr. Roger Wang, President, MIS was elected as the 2nd Vice President of AMF at the AMF AGM in October 2022. Past President Prof. Boojong Kim was appointed as the Honorary Fellow and former Secretary General Chang Real Lee (MASOK) as the Advisor of AMF.

2022 to 2024 Leadership

President: Prof. Dr. Syed Ferhat Anwar

1st Vice President – Jack Yao (CCPIT)

2nd Vice President - Roger Wang (MIS)

General Secretary – Ashraf Bin Taj (MSB)


Status of Membership

As of November 2024, AMF has 18 Members: MSB, MAC, CCPIT, HKIM, IMA, JMA, MASOK, MMI, IMM, MMA, MMS, NMA, PMA, MIS, SLIM, TIMS, MAT, VMA

AMF Fund

All NMA annual fees are deposited to the account of AMF Foundation in BCA Bank in Jakarta, Indonesia. The balance amount in the AMF Fund, as of November 08, 2024, is USD 98,819.23.

Major Highlights

Restarted physical AMF meetings in the post-COVID period and rejuvenated AMF brotherhood and sisterhood

Signed MoU with African Marketing Confederation (AMC)

Inducted Nepalese Marketing Association (NMA) as AMF Member

Participated in the AMC Conference 2024 with AMF Founder, Pak Hermawan Kartajaya and President, Prof. Dr. Syed Ferhat Anwar as Speakers of the conference held in Mombasa, Kenya.

Successfully conducted AMF AMEA & YWN Awards

Strengthened AMF’s brand image and equity with different initiatives


Meetings Conducted

May 2023 – BoM, Dhaka, Bangladesh

October 2023 – AMF Follow-up, Singapore

November 2023 – AGM, Bangkok, Thailand

May 2024 – BoM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

November 2024 – AGM, Manila, Philippines


New Leadership: 2024 - 2026

President: Mr. Jack Yao, CCPIT, China

1st VP: Mr. Roger Wang, MIS, Singapore

2nd VP: Dr. Somchat Visitchaichan (Dan), MAT, Thailand

General Secretary: Ms. Shanshan Li, CCPIT, China

With this change, Prof. Dr. Syed Ferhat Anwar became the Immediate Past President and Honorary Fellow of AMF, and Mr. Ashraf Bin Taj moved to the role of Advisor to AMF.


Next meeting schedule:

May 2025 – BoM in Xi’an, China

Shopping Basket