The Third Journal

Are we ready for marketing 5.0? A question to micro entrepreneurs

Are we ready for marketing 5.0? A question to micro entrepreneurs

Business's routines throughout the world have been completely disrupted as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. The pandemic primarily altered our traditional marketing and changed the approach to business.

Kotler recently introduced his new Marketing 5.0. He defines Marketing 5.0 as the use of technology tailored to generate, convey, and increase value across the customer experience. Although it appears rather straightforward, it has much more than meets the eye. It is critical to recognise that Marketing 5.0 addresses challenges that extend well beyond what was previously believed to be the realm of the marketing discipline. That is why digital marketing investment has been expanding gradually over the past several years – customers demand an increasing number of features. are already actively utilising Artificial Intelligence (AI) or any similar technology.

For instance, it is feasible to utilise AI to do predictive research of prospective purchasing and even existing consumers’ shopping behaviours to generate viable solutions for acquiring new ones. This type of study does not require a large deal of human interaction. It results in significant cost savings in addition to excellent outcomes. That is one simple example of how technology influences marketing practice in general.

Dr. Mohd Farid Shamsudin & Dato Sharifah Mohd Ismail