The Fourth Journal

Epistle on Democratization Of Knowledge Under Globalization: Engaging AMF

Epistle on Democratization Of Knowledge Under Globalization: Engaging AMF

This article is based on observation and experience of the author. The purpose of this article is to promote sharing of knowledge rather than keeping knowl- edge in silos. The article purports, that this be undertaken by the member nations of AMF to build the repository of knowl- edge of Asia Marketing Federation (AMF) through blending of local and global knowledge and ensuring effective dissem- ination. The article further stresses on globalization of knowledge rather than focusing on creation of silos. The impor- tance of appropriate use of technology to drive effective dissemination and thus, democratization is emphasized. The article provides a guideline for the leader- ship of AMF to ensure creation of a better world, where one can breathe peace and cherish the real meaning of humanity, through proper democratization and globalization of knowledge.

Syed Ferhat Anwar

President Asia Marketing Federation ---- *Corresponding author [email protected]

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President Asia Marketing Federation —- *Corresponding author [email protected]
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