Brief Information
Indonesia Marketing Association (IMA) is a focused organization on the development activities of marketing as a profession. Despite being one of the 12 National Marketing Associations that founded the Asia Pacific Marketing Federation (APMF) in November 1991, it does not yet have legality. That is why it was re-established on May 20, 1996, and registered at the Jakarta District Court. The IMA then became a legal entity on October 20, 2020.
Having legality has enabled IMA to secure support from the government, such as getting the Minister of Trade as The Ex Officio Patron and participating in the government’s marketing-related programs and activities. In addition, the legality has attracted professional marketeers from various sectors, including the government sector, to become active members and materialize IMA as a genuinely national marketing association. The Indonesian government has involved IMA to improve the standard of professional marketeers in Indonesia.
IMA is also a member founder of the Asia Marketing Federation (AMF), founded in Jakarta in 2007, and is also part of the World Marketing Association (WMA). IMA carries out activities starting with intellectual initiatives associated with job creation and knowledge to improve practices marketing with the latest marketing concept throughout the largest archipelago in the world.
Purpose of IMA Establishment
Code of Ethics
Believable: Always uphold the personal, company, and professional image to support the creation of a positive image for marketers and alma mater (IMA).
Enthusiastic: Become a marketer who is passionate about the profession, employees, customers, and business.
Guiding: Guide other marketers in developing their competencies as required in career and business.
Responsible: Morally responsible for analysis, strategy, recommendation, and implementation both to company management, customers, competitors, partners, people, and the environment.
Empowering: Motivating and inviting colleagues to follow CPM and apply the practice of responsible marketing professionals.
Advancing: Always follow developments that occur in the business world and their impact on companies, customers, and competitors
Trusted: Convey knowledge, expertise, and information based on reliable sources and express personal opinions objectively
Key Persons
Hermawan Kartajaya is the co-author of ten books with Philip Kotler, who co-founded IMA with Juan Permata Adoe as a national marketing association with the legality in 1996. Hermawan’s connection with Philip Kotler has enabled Hermawan to reshape IMA, APMF and AMF with various innovative programs and activities. Hermawan was the First President of IMA from 1996 – 2002. From 1998 – 2000 he also became the Asia Pacific Marketing Federation President. On December 10, 1999, Hermawan Kartajaya and YW Junardy created the APMF Foundation, which rebranded as AMF Foundation in 2007. YW Junardy is the Chairman AMF Foundation. YW Junardy succeeded Hermawan as the President of IMA from 2002 to 2008. Andreas Diantoro became the President of IMA from 2008 to 2010. He was replaced by I Nyoman G. Wiryanata, who became the President of IMA from 2010 to 2013. Muhammad Awaluddin then became the President of IMA from 2013 to 2015. M. Arif Wibowo replaced him from 2015 to 2017. From 2017 – 2019 the IMA President was De Yong Adrian. From 2019 to 2023, Suparno Djasmin or Abong has been the President of IMA.
Membership Definition
An IMA member is every Indonesian citizen who is a member of a chapter in a city in Indonesia that is approved and ratified by the Central Executive. The members are individuals who carry out actual business activities and are located in the territory and subject to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia or are interested in the concept of marketing and entrepreneurship as stipulated in Article 9 of the articles of association of IMA.
Chapter members are every Indonesian citizen whose membership is approved by the Chapter Management and registered in one of the Chapters.
An Ordinary Member is a member who registers and is accepted as a (permanent) Member of the IMA through the registration process as regulated in Articles 3 and 4 of this ART and has valid voting rights.
Extraordinary Members are IMA Members without voting rights who have contributed to the world of marketing and are appointed by the Central Board in a Central Board meeting.
Honorary Members are IMA members without voting rights appointed by the Central Management, both Indonesian citizens and foreigners, with good national and international reputations in the world of marketing and entrepreneurship.
Membership App
IMA has developed an app to facilitate networking among IMA members across various cities in Indonesia. Through the app, it is hoped that it will also make it easier to check the validity of members.
CPM Alumni Association Members
Several IMA members became members because they were interested in the CPM exam. Over time their numbers continued to grow. Starting in 2022, IMA makes the Indonesia CPM Alumni Association, and all CPM exam participants who have passed automatically become IMA members and members of the Indonesia CPM Alumni Association.
Certification and Professionalism
As a national organization for the marketing profession, apart from encouraging compliance with the code of ethics of the professional marketing organization, IMA also promotes the improvement of the quality of the marketing profession. Efforts to improve the quality of the marketing profession are carried out using two channels: the government channel and the marketing professional organization channel. Each path consists of two parts. The government channel consists of two parts, providing input to the Indonesian government regarding Indonesia’s national work competency standards in the field of marketing and becoming an endorser of a marketing certification agency registered with the National Professional Standards Agency. The marketing professional organization path is a certification that is specifically carried out by IMA and only valid in Indonesia and certification carried out by AMF, of which IMA is a member.
Government Channel
National Work Competency Standards of Indonesia
IMA is one of the professional marketing organizations with legal entities that the Indonesian government invited through the Ministry of Trade to prepare Indonesian National Work Competency Standards in the marketing field, which the Ministry of Manpower will prepare. Using long experience in the certification process at APMF and AMF, IMA provides input so that the competency standards are divided into three functions widely applied in various corporations and institutions: branding, sales, and service. Each function will have three levels based on competency qualifications that must be met at each leveling stage.
The results of preparing the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards will be used as a reference for the Ministry of Manpower to issue regulations related to recruitment and termination of employment in the marketing sector, both from workers from Indonesian citizens or citizens of other countries.
The Marketing Professional Certification Agency Endorser
The Marketing Professional Certification Agency is a third-party certification agency, which in its establishment was shaded by the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia and the Indonesia Marketing Association and supported by leading industries in Indonesia.
IMA not only oversees but also acts as a supervisory board. The supervisory process, among others, provides direction in developing schemes that will be offered to the workforce and the direction of developing the Marketing LSP organization in general.
Marketing Profession Organization Path
To answer the need for certification and, at the same time, evaluate the passing rate of the CPM exam conducted by AMF, IMA has been fighting for many years for test takers from Indonesia to be able to answer exams in Indonesian. A certified translator will translate the answer into Indonesian. This method is done so that the language barrier does not become an obstacle to the marketing professional certification exam. The IMA proposal was approved by AMF and requested that AMF ensure that the translation process is closely monitored.
Referring to this situation, IMA 2005 – 2008 has started iCPM. It is a CPM exam in Indonesian and is linked to an exam that does not require the context of business and marketing challenges outside Indonesia. Therefore, the iCPM certification is only valid in Indonesia.
IMA, of course, also offers iCPM exam preparation courses. This course is prepared so that the examinees can re-learn some basic marketing knowledge so that later they can pass the exam.
As one of the founders of APMF, IMA is also one of the founders of the certification issued by APMF. It was launched in 1994 and is coordinated by the Marketing Institute of Singapore. However, because IMA did not have legality until 1995, finding candidates for the CPM exam from Indonesia was not easy. However, after officially having legitimacy on May 20, 1996, IMA successfully began recruiting candidates for the CPM exam.
During the first five years of actively participating in the CPM exam held by AMF, the passing rate of examinees from Indonesia was not high. This situation prompted IMA to take various ways so that more participants from Indonesia participated and the graduation rate was high. The IMA then launched a CPM exam preparation course.
In addition to the IMA Chapter, preparatory exam courses are also conducted by other institutions with teachers who have passed the CPM exam.
As a legitimate professional marketing organization that has the Minister of Trade as Ex Officio Patron of IMA, IMA’s activities are not only concerned with improving the quality of the marketing profession in Indonesia. It is also considering how marketing and IMA can contribute to society and the Indonesian government at the national and local levels. Of course, with limited resources, both at the central management level or at the chapter management level, the activities carried out are also based on the organization’s priority scale. Therefore, the activities carried out by IMA are divided into internal and external orientations. Each orientation is divided into several activity groups.
Internal Orientation Activities
Network development
Perhaps the IMA is the AMF member with the highest number of chapters at the moment, which has reached 85 and will soon reach 100. Almost all provinces in Indonesia, which have 37 chapters, already have IMA chapters. However, with the number of cities in Indonesia being 543, the number of IMA coverage is still limited.
That is why the central management, regional coordinators, and IMA chapter administrators work together to continue to increase the number of members and chapters with an increasing number of cities. New members and chapters that appear are interested in joining because of the network IMA has at national and international levels, both in the marketing profession and with stakeholders related to IMA. In addition to helping to increase marketing knowledge, it also allows for expanding collaboration due to the broad sectoral background of the people who have joined IMA.
That’s what makes the internal meetings of the management and members in various chapters strengthen brotherhood and exchange insights and ideas that can later be used in their respective work environments. Moreover, the exchange of insights or ideas is carried out through discussions and conducting company visits to companies that have close relationships with IMA.
Transparency and Integrity
The number of chapters that continue to grow and more members will make the total activities carried out more and more. On the other hand, as an organization that encourages adherence to the code of ethics, at least to IMA members, IMA certainly needs to maintain transparency and organizational integrity. Related to efforts to maintain transparency and organization, there is an administrative and financial reporting process that the central management reports to all chapters every semester.
An independent auditor will conduct an audit annually to ensure that financial management has followed the accounting principles and standards applicable to organizations such as the IMA. The IMA central management will report the audit results to members through the IMA chapter.
External Orientation Activities
As a large marketing professional organization that has existed for a long time, IMA certainly has the potential to attract non-members and various outside parties to cooperate. IMA utilizes this potential by collaborating with multiple parties outside IMA, either at the central or city level. However, so that the collaboration that is carried out can provide optimal benefits for all parties involved in the cooperation, IMA chooses the type of activity to be carried out.
Collaboration With Government
In cooperation with the government, for example, the main priority is to support the high-quality standards of the marketing profession. It is done both in certification, which can use the state logo and in determining regulations related to work competency standards in the marketing field. IMA also supports government programs to improve the quality of marketing teaching at universities in Indonesia and is one of the organizations invited to the independent learning program.
However, IMA also collaborates with the government in other fields. For example, so that SMEs and the Indonesian tourism sector can rise to a higher level, IMA actively supports increasing the marketing capabilities of SMEs and tourism destination managers at the national and city levels. In addition, IMA is also involved in consumer education, culminating in the government’s implementation of National Consumer Day.
Collaboration With Other Marketing Organizations
As one of the founders of APMF in November 1991, IMA has more than a decade of collaboration with national marketing organizations from various countries. The intensity of the cooperation increased when in 1998, Hermawan was invited to write a book together with Philip Kotler, the father of modern marketing. So that Hermawan was not only President of IMA 1998 – 2002, but also President of APMF 1998 – 2000, and in 1999 was appointed as APMF representative in the World Marketing Association (WMA).
The cooperation carried out is to pioneer the improvement of the quality of the marketing profession by agreeing to make a marketing profession certification jointly developed by AMF member countries, including the IMA. Another collaboration is the introduction of various new marketing concepts, referring to the book written by Philip Kotler and Hermawan Kartajaya, through an internal meeting of IMA and AMF member countries, which even became the basis for the development of the Asia Marketing Excellence Award. The award initiated by IMA encourages business actors in AMF member countries to become world-class business actors through the application of marketing concepts jointly developed by Philip Kotler and Hermawan Kartajaya.
Collaboration With Other Organizations
In 2008, IMA President and AMF President YW Junardy invited AMF to join the United Nations Global Compact. It is a kind of alliance of various organizations, institutions, and corporations to support the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. IMA then, together with organizations, institutions, and corporations in Indonesia, joined the Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN) to encourage the implementation of business sustainability and support Indonesia’s achievement in Sustainable Development. Goals 2030.
In addition to cooperation in the context of IGCN, IMA also collaborates with business associations related to the latest issues in marketing, such as digital transformation in the retail sector, and associations of young entrepreneurs such as HIPMI.
IMA is also involved in various marketing events as a professional marketing organization. Some of these events are organized by IMA alone, but some collaborate with parties outside the IMA. In addition, some of the events are annual, but some are only held for one year.
IMA Owned events
IMA at the central and city levels often organize events through seminars or talk shows. These events can be in the form of offline events but can also be in the form of online events. The increasing popularity of online events has made IMA-owned events both at the central and city levels accessible to IMA members from various cities. It allows IMA members to experience more benefits due to the increasing number of events owned by IMA.
Some IMA-owned events are not only limited to IMA members but also invite participants from outside the IMA. IMA-owned events are not only popular among IMA members but also among participants outside IMA. Through IMA-owned events, IMA is better known by people outside the IMA who participate in IMA.
IMA Collaborative Events
In addition to organizing its events, IMA organizes events that are carried out together with other parties. In Indonesia, every offline national meeting is followed by a Studium Generale at one of the campuses in the city that is hosting the national meeting. The collaboration with universities is carried out to introduce the latest marketing concepts to the campus world.
If the collaboration event with the campus is carried out by presenting Indonesian marketing expert Hermawan Kartajaya, specifically at the Studium Generale on the Padjadjaran University campus, Bandung, 27 May 2022, involving the father of modern marketing, Philip Kotler.
Apart from universities in Indonesia, IMA collaborative events are held together with marketing associations from other countries. For example, the World Marketing Forum 2021 and the World Marketing Forum were initiated by IMA, and the Japan Marketing Association (JMA), where JMA will host the 2021 World Marketing Forum, and IMA will host the 2022 World Marketing Forum.
Starting in 2020, IMA invites AMF members to hold Asia Marketing Day every 27 May every year, which is the birthday of Philip Kotler. At the event, IMA and the national marketing associations of AMF members shared their experiences on the latest marketing practices, complete with case studies.
IMA Endorsed Event
IMA is also endorsing marketing events such as the ASEAN Marketing Summit. At the event, several sessions were dedicated to marketing associations that are part of the AMF ASEAN Caucus, where the IMA and other countries’ marketing associations fill different sessions with various events.
In the opening session, IMA and AMF ASEAN Caucus members made a joint declaration, which was then submitted to the ASEAN Secretariat office in Jakarta. Then in another session, IMA and members of the AMF ASEAN Caucus will discuss a marketing topic from the point of view of each member country of the AMF ASEAN Caucus. And in another session, IMA invites members of the AMF ASEAN Caucus to recognize the unique culture and tourism of the country that is the Chair of the Permanent Mission to ASEAN, which changes every year.
IMA in the Media
Activities and Events organized by IMA certainly attract media attention. Many media at the national and local levels are interested in covering activities and events. Examples of media coverage can be seen here.
In addition to attracting media attention, IMA is developing its social media. Besides being a routine post related to activities and events, IMA also encourages IMA Chapter activities on social media through competitions between chapters. An example post can be seen here.
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Since 2023, IMA has organized the IMA UMKM Award, which is participated by IMA chapters across Indonesia as a manifestation of its commitment to supporting MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) by providing access to the resources needed to strengthen business networks, improve product or service quality, and expand market share, ensuring the sustainability of their businesses. In addition, 20 finalists of the IMA MSME Award, selected from over 800 participants, were present to showcase their achievements. This series of events underscored IMA’s continued commitment to supporting the development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) across the nation.
The National Work Meeting (Rapat Kerja Nasional) of IMA was held in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, from November 5 to 7, 2024. This event consisted of a series of significant activities, including the IMA MSME Award, the IMA MSME Exhibition, the IMA Welcoming Dinner, and the National Work Meeting itself. The event saw the participation of nearly 300 delegates from 103 IMA chapters across Indonesia. A highlight of the event was the ceremonial giving of 1,000 trees for Indonesia, symbolizing IMA’s commitment to environmental sustainability. This gesture underscores the collective responsibility to preserve Indonesia’s natural resources and combat climate change.
Indonesia proudly achieved remarkable recognition at the AMF Youth and Netizen Award 2024, held during the 10th ASEAN Marketing Summit in Jakarta on November 4, 2024. This prestigious event celebrated outstanding contributions to marketing and innovation within the ASEAN region.
In the Netizen Marketeer of The Year category, two distinguished Indonesians were honored:
– Mr. dr. Gamal Albinsaid, Founder of Indonesia Medika and Malang Cerdas, recognized for his groundbreaking efforts in social entrepreneurship and healthcare innovation.
– Mr. Muhamad Fajrin Rasyid, Director of Digital Business at PT. Telkom Indonesia, acknowledged for his leadership in driving digital transformation and innovation.
In addition, the Youth Marketeer of The Year award was proudly presented to Mr. Pandito Pratama, Head of Marketing at PT. Transportasi Jakarta, for his exceptional contributions to enhancing urban mobility through creative and impactful marketing strategies.
These awards underscore Indonesia’s continued commitment to excellence and innovation in marketing, reflecting the nation’s growing influence in the ASEAN marketing landscape.
In May 2024, IMA took on the role of organizer and host for the AMF’s Board of Management Meeting, IMA’s National Working Meeting, and ACSB Meeting. These three events were held concurrently in Sleman, Yogyakarta. As the host, IMA achieved great success in managing all three events. The IMA National Working Meeting was attended by over 300 participants from 100 IMA chapters across Indonesia. This meeting was also accompanied by several activities, including a UMKM exhibition, a trip to Kaliurang, and a special Borobudur Temple excursion exclusively for AMF delegates.
The IMA National Working Meeting in 2023 was held in Padang, West Sumatra. This meeting was accompanied by a Studium Generale, which is a public lecture organized at a university to expand students’ knowledge. Several IMA delegates, who are also academics and professionals in the field of marketing, participated as panelists in the event, sharing their expertise and insights with the audience.
World Marketing Forum (WMF) aims to promote ongoing discussion on the latest development in marketing and sharing of global best practices. With only around 500+ invitees from academia, business, and government, the event is free-to-attend due to non-for-profit collaboration with some of the world’s prominent figures and organizations. With two days filled with marketing insight and inspiration, this is a chance to co-create an unforgettable marketing forum with tons of ideas and technology showcase to support our global community.
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