Generating Revisits A Case Of Sports Tourism, Sri Lanka

Generating Revisits: A Case Of Sports Tourism, Sri Lanka

Tourism can be classified into four categories according to their needs and reasons for traveling. Business and professional tourists, leisure and holiday tourists, tourists traveling to visit friends and relatives (VFR), youth tourists, including the backpackers and gap year travelers. Leisure and holiday tourists can be divided into sub-segments: sport, recreation and adventure tourists, and leisure tourists (Grzywacz & Żegleń, 2014). Today sport and active recreation have become very large and successful industries worldwide. Sports tourism has become one of the fastest-growing tourism niches.

Marketing Skillsets To Drive Innovation Thailand’s Perspective

Marketing Skillsets To Drive Innovation: Thailand’s Perspective?

From a psychological and marketing perspective, no matter who you are and what you do (be it marketing professionals, brand managers or marketing communications specialists etc.) the concept of empathy is critical if you want to understand deeper about people from their perspectives and enable them to live their life to the fullest through your marketing innitiatives. But how can you be more empathetic? You can attempt your best to immerse yourself in other people’s experience and observe them and their behavior within the context of their lives. In addition to this, here are some basic tips (or what I call the “Empathy Mindset”) I find useful when I talk to people to learn more about their opinions, attitudes, beliefs, values and behaviors.

Developing Entreprising Marketers – What Can Marketing Educators Do

Developing Entreprising Marketers – What Can Marketing Educators Do?

Especially in a RUDE environment (Rapidly changing and at times, Ruthless; Uncertain and at times, Unpredictable; Dynamic and at times, Disruptive; Engaging and at times, Enabling), marketers need to be entreprising because entreprising Marketers can really make a significant difference to any entity, beyond just quantitative results. Marketers with Entreprising mindsets can make the critical difference between a “me-too” and an “outstanding” entity.

Waterbody Brand Strategy A Step Towards Delta 2100 Vision

Waterbody Brand Strategy: A Step Towards Delta 2100 Vision

Even though 75% of the world surface comprises of water, 97.5% is salt water while only 2.5% is either locked away as ground water or in glaciers. The forecast of this century is that one of most scarce resource of the world is likely to be water. Alarmingly enough, NASA has recently mapped Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin as severely stressed, making the water bodies of Bangladesh more vulnerable. Bangladesh Government under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, approved, Delta Plan 2100 on September of 2018. One of the major objectives of this grand plan is to secure future water resources. The major source of this delta plan will be inland water bodies and the ocean. This paper is an attempt to assess the opportunities and outline strategies to help achieve the outcome of Delta 2100 plan through transforming the inland water bodies of Bangladesh into a brand.

Will Ex-covid 19 Patients Do Word-ofmouth

Will Ex-covid 19 Patients Do Word-of mouth?

The purpose of this study was to analyze the direct effect of each servqual element (RATER = reliability, assurance, tangible, empathy, responsiveness) on word of mouth/ WoM and to investigate the role of ex-covid-19 patient’s satisfaction as a mediating variable between servqual elements and WoM. The research model used quantitative model which all the empirical data was obtained by distributing online questionnaires. The population in this study was ex-covid-19 patients who had been treated at one private hospital at North Jakarta (called Hospital X) from March 2020 to April 2021. The sampling method used was probability sampling (simple random sampling). The research model has met the goodness of fit (GoF) on the criteria of RMSEA, SRMR, NFI, CFI. The results from empirical data indicated that the assurance and tangible of hospital X directly affect the WoM. Ex-covid-19 patients’ satisfaction mediates the elements of reliability, assurance, and empathy for WoM. Assurance is the element that has the most direct and mediated influence on ex-covid-19 patients’ satisfaction that affects WoM. Tangible directly affects WoM but does not mediate ex-covid-19 patients’ satisfaction with WoM.

store image, product characteristics of limited-edition shoes, perceived value and purchase intention of premium local brand shoes

Store Image, Product Characteristics Of Limited-edition Shoes, Perceived Value And Purchase Intention Of Premium Local Brand Shoes

This research aims to determine the effect of store image and product characteristics of limited-edition shoes on purchase intention by perceived value as the mediating effect at GM shoes brand. Data collection was carried out using the purposive sampling method by collecting data from 154 respondents. Data processing is performed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method. The model that was built has fulfilled the Goodness of Fit (GoF) criteria which are RMSEA, chi-square, RMR, CFI, GFI, and NFI. Store image has a direct effect on purchase intention. Product characteristic of limitededition shoes did not show any direct effect to purchase intention. Perceived value did not mediate the store image and purchase intention. Perceived value is a mediator between product characteristics of limited-edition shoes with purchase intention.

dimensions of customer relationship management driving loyalty among b2b customers

Dimensions of Customer Relationship Management Driving Loyalty Among B2B Customers

Despite of continuous growth the facility management (FM) landscape in Malaysia remains intensely competitive. Both local and foreign providers have been fiercely competing to sustain their market share. Many depend on recurring revenue streams and strive to secure their market position. This has made, loyalty of customers a prime importance to ensure their sustainability in the industry through the establishment of a strong relationship and customer-focused strategies. Basing on this premise, four dimensions of customer relationship management influencing the loyalty of facility management customers was examined. From 80 questionnaires distributed to business customers operating in 7 states in Peninsular Malaysia (Selangor, Perak, Kuala Lumpur, N. Sembilan, Malacca, Johor, Penang), 77 questionnaires were returned with valid responses for analysis. 3 questionnaires were invalid due to multiple answers given to some questions, and were discarded. Thus, the final data analysis was performed on 77 valid questionnaires. Findings from the study affirmed that customer relationship management was significantly related to customer loyalty and customer knowledge dimension had the most impact on loyalty of facility management customers. Thus, suggesting there is a need for facility management companies to accurately diagnose their customer’s evolving needs and institute a culture where customers’ needs are fully understood through an active open communication between employees and customers. This is imperative as they serve various customer segments from health, commercial, oil & gas, manufacturing and education to name a few. As such, having the ability to understand the different needs of each customer segment and react accordingly is important. Having good customer knowledge can drive the delivery of excellent services to meet customers’ needs and expectations leading to satisfaction and eventual loyalty. Loyal customers will continue to generate long-term revenue and strengthen the company’s brand in the industry to ensure continuous revenue growth in the facility management industry.

the asean super app “wave”

The Asean Super App “Wave”

In Asia and ASEAN countries, e-commerce and digital payment methods are growing in adoption. Super Apps is now a global phenomenon, and a Super App Wave has since hit many ASEAN countries. The question that remains is: with this “wave” coming to a bigger market, will every app eventually become a Super App? This article looks at the benefits of Super apps, the current scenario of three Super Apps in ASEAN, and how businesses are working their way into this Super App world.